EU guidance to deliver broadband internet access

[computerworld 10.09.24.] On behalf of the Hungarian government Zsolt Nyitrai, Minister of State for Infocommunications welcomed the European Commission’s recently adopted initiative consisting of three complementary measures and recommendations.

The measures aim to facilitate the roll out and take up of fast and ultra-fast broadband in the EU. The EU institutional debate and adoption of the legislation on spectrum management is expected to take place during the Hungarian EU Presidency.

According to the press release of the Communications Department of the Ministry of National Development, the measures adopted by the European Commission can help the EU realise the commitments in the European Digital Agenda to give every European access to basic broadband by 2013 and fast and ultra fast broadband by 2020. The package also determines the European approach in terms of instruments available to the state, i.e. regulation, spectrum management, and funding.

The Commission Recommendation on Regulated Access to Next Generation Access (high-speed fibre) networks sets out a common regulatory approach that requires national telecoms regulators to ensure an appropriate balance between the needs to encourage investment and to safeguard competition.

The Commission proposal to establish a radio spectrum policy programme aims to promote efficient radio spectrum management and the establishment of an EU-level coordinated strategic spectrum policy in order to maximize the benefits for consumers and the industry.

A Broadband Communication sets out a coherent framework for meeting the Digital Agenda’s broadband targets and, in particular, outlines how best to encourage public and private investment in fast and ultra-fast broadband networks. It provides important guidance to the member states on the implementation of public broadband infrastructures and related programmes – such as the National Network in Hungary.

The European Digital Agenda is one of the flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 growth and competitiveness strategy and constitutes the EU’s information society policy for the period 2011-2015. Pursuant to the measures adopted by the Commission the member states will have to elaborate the initiatives at the level of national action plans. Broadband development and the elements serving as the foundation of Hungarian economic growth and improved competitiveness will be incorporated in the infocommunications strategy that is currently elaborated based on industry consultation.

The Minister of State also held discussions on the subject with Detlef Eckert Director in charge of Lisbon Strategy and Policies for the Information Society in the Directorate General „Information Society and Media” (DG INFSO) of the European Commission.