Digital renewal to boost Hungarian creativity

[@ 10.12.23.] The Ministry of National Development released its infocommunications action plan today.

The infocommunications officials of the Ministry of National Development disclosed the Digital Renewal Action Program on 23 December which serves as a guideline for government infocommunications plans for the period 2010-2014. Zsolt Nyitrai said this is the first sector-specific action plan that ensures a standard framework in the field of infocommunications and is built on broad industry and social consensus.

Infocommunications is a matter of national importance: the state had fulfilled its commitment with the elaboration of the comprehensive action program and will continue with the implementation of action plans

Digital renewal is not merely a provision for the industry but a matter of national importance – we must understand that infocommunications is crucial in the rebooting of the Hungarian economy – pointed out Zsolt Nyitrai, also noting that the government requests stakeholders, NGOs and businesses to consider their role in making use of the digital renewal program to the benefit and success of Hungary. The government has lived up to its commitment with the elaboration of the Digital Renewal Action Program and will continue to fulfil its role with the implementation of relevant action plans – said Nyitrai.

Breakout point: 83 proposed measures in 4 action plans

With regard to Digital Renewal the Minister of State also indicated that the infocommunications sector, founded on high value-added knowledge, could be a breakout point for Hungary. Therefore the Digital Renewal Action Program contains 83 proposed measures in 4 action plans aiming the revitalization of the economy, improved competitiveness, and increasing the comfort of citizens, to name but a few. The action plans ensure transparency and future monitoring of the program which is fully aligned with the priorities of the New Széchenyi Plan.

The Digital Renewal Action Program is based on broad industry and social consensus

According to the Minister of State several hundreds of opinions and positions were submitted in connection with the Digital Hungary working document during the Digital Consultation process by citizens, NGOs, industry bodies, SMEs and multinational companies. The comments have been taken into account and incorporated into the Digital Renewal Action Program. We can only transform Hungary into the most competitive Central European country with the utilization of creative energies; the action program will draw on Hungarian creativity in support of economic development – said Nyitrai of the Action Program.

Four key priorities: equal opportunities, competitiveness, modern state, and infrastructure development

Concerning the structure of the Digital Renewal Action Program, Zsolt Nyitrai said it is focused on four main elements, i.e. four key action plans: ensuring equal opportunities to citizens, increasing the competitiveness of businesses, creating modern IT background in public administration, and developing the IT infrastructure. Accordingly, the Minister of State named the infocommunications infrastructure one of the most important pillars of the Digital Renewal Action Program. The key accomplishment of digital renewal will be reaching full broadband coverage which should be implemented as soon as possible to ensure internet access and create equal digital opportunities throughout the country. This will enable more than one million people previously unfamiliar with the digital world to gain access to services offered by infocommunications – said Nyitrai.

Digital Renewal is aligned with the Digital Agenda strategy

Zsolt Nyitrai also emphasized that the protection of critical information infrastructure is crucial and a key priority of the Hungarian Presidency since the Digital Renewal Action Program is fully aligned with the recommendations and objectives of the European Digital Agenda, part of the Europe 2020 strategy.