[@ 11.03.03.] Zsolt Nyitrai, Minister of State for Infocommunications representing the Ministry of National Development opened the All for Broadband – Broadband for All international conference in Budapest on 3 March, 2011.
The Minister of State emphasized that broadband development is crucial for the success of the Europe 2020 strategy aiming the improvement of competitiveness, creation of new jobs, and economic growth.
In his opening speech Zsolt Nyitrai, President of the Telecommunications Council of the European Union underlined that the Hungarian EU Presidency is working along a policy based on dialogue and consensus. This is of outmost importance in connection with the formulation of the common spectrum policy which is an essential precondition to improve Europe’s competiveness.
When available and managed and used efficiently, radio spectrum could make an important contribution to the digital Single Market, fast wireless services, economic recovery, growth, high-quality jobs and long-term EU competitiveness – pointed out Zsolt Nyitrai.
According to Nyitrai, smart spectrum policy is a fundamental precondition for the strengthening of innovation and creative industries in Europe.