Broadband deployment in Europe is a top priority

[@ 11.02.26.] Minister of State for Infocommunications Zsolt Nyitrai, representing the EU Presidency, took part in a working lunch meeting with Brussels representatives of the British Chamber of Commerce. With regard to the Hungarian Presidency’s priorities the Minister of State underscored that Hungary is   seeking dialogue and consensus also in the field of telecommunications.

Minister of State Zsolt Nyitrai stressed the need for timely and appropriate decisions for Europe to become the driver and beneficiary of technological changes in the information age, without losing pace. He also added that the infocommunications sector has a crucial role in preserving Europe’s competitiveness and boosting the economy.

One of the legislative priorities of the Hungarian Presidency, in accordance with the European Digital Agenda, is the promotion of broadband through the elaboration of a common spectrum strategy.

The success of the Hungarian EU Presidency could significantly contribute to enabling a larger number of European citizens with extended area coverage to access cheaper and more advanced telecommunications and IT services from the state or the market.

This also means that in today’s world the ever dominant digital services will become part of every citizens’ life anywhere in Europe; whether at home, at work, on the train or even on the ski slopes. The Hungarian EU Presidency could have a significant role in achieving this – underlined Zsolt Nyitrai.